Thursday, July 14, 2011

csa box:: week 4

In general if something grows in our region and it isn't in season we don't eat it. We still buy a few things like citrus, ginger, avocado and other things that don't grow here from the co-op, but we try to eat local produce with the seasons, and freeze/can/dry the rest to get us through the winter. And Wisconsin has long winters. So, when certain things come back in season we relish them. Especially in years where the weather has been 'off' and we are behind schedule (like this year). I get downright excited about seeing carrots, fresh cucumbers, apples picked from the tree, and when the tomatoes ripen? Oh. My. This week we have some things in our box I've really been looking forward to!

::in the box:: lettuce, collard greens, cucumber, red raspberries, carrots, summer squash, kohlrabi, parsley, sage, green beans, beets, garlic scapes.

::extras:: dill heads (pickling!), cucumbers, chives, carrots, purslane, lavender, calendula heads.

To see what was in our box this week in previous years click the year::
| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |

Have a CSA box to share? Include your link in the comments. What is in season from your farmer's market, CSA or garden?

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