Thursday, July 14, 2011

kohlrabi slaw.

I have many go-to recipes that I love to make again and again, but don't always post. You see, I am a chronic by the seat of my pants cook. I know the general recipe that I like and rarely make it *exactly* the same twice.

Kohlrabi Slaw is one of those things. I love it. I make it every year that we start getting kohlrabi in the garden and CSA box. I am not a big fan of raw tasteless cabbage and shredded carrots in a runny sauce as is common for American picnics and barbeque's. I like the idea of slaw and the crunchy rawness of it, but I want flavor. Kohlrabi Slaw is so flavorful but still has that fresh crunchy summer feel. This recipe is flexible, because I tweak it based on what we are eating it with. But I find that I most often make it this way - I really think the ginger/sesame oil go so well together with the veggies, and yet it never overpowers. So here it is. My favorite Kohlrabi Slaw.

This makes enough for a few servings - side dish for dinner for a small family. If you are having a barbecue or taking it to a pot luck, double or triple. If you don't like hot pink slaw, just use a different kind of beet. ;)

1 kohlrabi, peeled and grated
1 carrot, grated
1 medium beet, peeled and grated
1 medium fennel head, grated
3 scallions, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
a few sprigs of fresh dill, chopped
chopped fresh parsley (optional)

1 Tbsp créme fraiche, Greek yogurt or sour cream
2 tsp roasted sesame oil
2 tsp rice vinegar
1" knob of fresh ginger, finely minced
salt & pepper to taste

Grate/chop all of your veggies and toss in a bowl. In a small bowl mix the dressing. Pour over the veggies, stirring to coat. Salt & pepper to taste. Let sit for 30 minutes or more to get those juices and flavors going. Tastes like summer!

::food for thought:: This slaw not only tastes better than the more common slaws, but also is packed with more goodness. Kohlrabi is high in vitamin C and B, magnesium, potassium, fiber and many great anti cancer compounds. Beets are high in anti oxidants, folate, manganese, potassium, fiber, vitamin C and even iron! Fennel is another one full of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, manganese, folate and iron. And of course carrots...not to mention sesame oil is very high in linoleic acid, one of the two essential fatty acids (EFAs) our bodies cannot produce. And you know about ginger and garlic. So see? Picnic food doesn't have to be flavorless and empty. It can be raw and fresh and packed full of flavor and goodness.


  1. This looks good. I'm not a huge fennel fan, but might give this a shot. Any other recommendations instead of the fennel (I still may try with fennel if you say it's a must - but would like other options, too!)

  2. Oh, just use what you like. If you don't like fennel add an extra carrot or beet. Still delicious!
