Monday, June 9, 2008

spring green.

I was so excited. Then I received the email from our CSA stating that due to the unseasonably cold spring, late frost(s), and super dry May, the CSA would be delayed by one week. The first time in 11 years they had to do that, they said. Since that email we have had tornadoes, hail, up to 8" of rain (in a 24 hour period), massive flooding and...and...but haven't gotten another email, so here's hoping for our first box this Thursday.

Although our CSA delayed, I was excited to be able to harvest enough salad greens from our pots for dinner - with fresh herbs too! Yay! And then today ...

I bought many pounds of fresh asparagus from a small local farmer. SO good. I blanched and bagged so that we can have asparagus for soups and stir fry for a while. Tomorrow I think I'll make some cream of asparagus soup!


  1. Oh my all looks beautiful. I really wish I would have planted some lettuce this much fun to pick your salad before dinner.

    That asparagus is making me very jealous.

  2. The greens are so great in that last picture.
    Ohhh, cream of asparagus soup is one of my dear favorites.

    But Brian doesn't care for cream soups..or asparagus...

    So I guess I'll just have to make a giant pot, and eat it myself.
