Wednesday, May 28, 2008

almost there...

I have not been posting to this blog as much recently, but that is about to change. Only one week until our CSA pickup starts again! I have been in my normal early spring cooking funk and basically just want to eat salads ... but each spring when our CSA starts and something new appears in our box week after week I feel rejuvinated. I love the challenge of planning our meals based on what is fresh in our garden or in our box each week. Almost there!


  1. I hear you! Our CSA (from East Troy, WI) just started this week, and it is like the long, hard winter is over! We are feeling alive again with our asparagus, fresh greens and rhubarb :)

  2. Just wanted to check in and say I did make those peanut butter cookies from 2 posts earlier and they rocked our world. They were the best cookies I ever made and got lots of praise from everyone who gobbled them up. Thanks again!
