Friday, June 27, 2008

CSA Box This Week.

This week in our box: lettuce, swiss chard, hothouse cucumbers, broccoli, garlic scapes, strawberries, spinach.

(Here is what we had last year in the same week...)


  1. I am growing garlic for the first time this year. I knew I was supposed to remove that part, but I didn't know you could eat them! What do you do with the garlic scapes?

  2. I was shopping at Whole Foods today and began to wonder why, in the stores, are hothouse cucumbers always shrink-wrapped ... I have no idea. Time to do some research! ;)

  3. jen - CSA stands for 'community supported agriculture'. It basically means we buy a 'share' of a farm, and get a box of whatever is in season each week during the main growing season. It helps support small farmers, and we know we get a box of goodies each week from June to November (summer/fall here).

    K - I like using garlic scapes in salads, cooked with greens, or in soups. I cut it up (don't use that knotty white bulby part, just the green shoots part), cook it in a skillet with butter or oil with some s&p, add some greens (swiss chard, spinach, mustard greens, etc.) and cook for a good!

    It makes a great pesto too - in a food processor - chopped garlic scapes, olive oil, fresh parmesan cheese, and pine nuts. Whiz it as you would pesto...very mild and great with pasta. :)

    Jodi - Yeah, I wonder why cukes would be different than something like zucchini, tomatoes or patty pan squash. Hmmm.

  4. we are being buried in greens with our CSA. It always happens for the first couple of weeks. I find it hard to get through it all. I was madly blanching and freezing spinach and kale before I left.

  5. I love when we eat right out of the garden. I feel so much healthier and then wonder how I made it through the winter without all these greens!
