Saturday, June 21, 2008

CSA Box This Week...

CSA box this week: garlic scapes, young garlic, strawberries, cucumbers, basil, swiss chard, lettuce, mustard greens...

(Here is what we had last year this week...)

Our CSA farm usually has a ton of strawberries - in the box, at U-picks, and at the Farmer's Market. With all the rain and flooding they lost a large percentage of the strawberry crop. Sad! Looks like we will have to venture to other farms to get enough berries for freezing and preserves. We are looking foward to strawberry ice cream!

Our garden is doing great - we had some hail damage but then everything just popped after all the rain. We are eating radishes, swiss chard (lots!), greens and a lot of herbs. Yum.

We have had a lot of garden work recently - weeding and monitoring pests and staking...and so much of what we have been eating has just been what is in our CSA box and yard. A lot of greens and salads. So good. I know as the summer progresses we will have more variety - meaning many more recipes as well as more cooking and baking in the kitchen.

Radishes & swiss chard.

Tomatoes growing!

Raspberries getting bigger!

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