Monday, August 15, 2011

in my kitchen.

This is the time of year that something is happening in the kitchen non-stop. Where I can barely keep up with all of the veggies pouring in - and not only is the fridge full, but so is the cooler on the floor next to it. We are freezing, canning, drying, fermenting, baking. Here are a few things from my kitchen, and some great links to recipes and tips for the season!

Zucchini Pickles - These looked so good I had to make a few pints. I substituted yellow curry powder for the turmeric and the smell and color is amazing. They are crunchy, mustardy, and great on burgers. The recipe is from the Zuni cafe, via Martha Stewart.

I have been cranking out pickles - dill vinegar pickles, refrigerator pickles, lacto-fermented pickles, pickled veggies. I love the POP of the jar lid opening in winter. Sofya at the girls' guide to guns and butter put together a very thorough guide to canning pickles. Every single thing you need to know to make great dill pickles.

And Cheeseslave posted my favorite lacto-fermented pickles recipe this week.

I love dried tomatoes in oil. They are easy to make. You dehydrate cherry tomato halves until fairly dry, but still pliable (not crunchy). Pack them into a jar with dried garlic, onion and basil (I use dried to keep water content low). Cover with olive oil and voila! Use on sandwiches, pizza, salads. Whiz it in the food processor to make a spread. They store a few months in the fridge. I dry a LOT of tomatoes!

This summer squash and potato torte from Bon Appétit is so good I keep making it over and over. I like to add some heavy cream and extra freshly grated Romano cheese to make it more like a gratin. It is great with loads of fresh basil too. So delicious!

This is a yummy zucchini spread from Philly Homegrown. Good on so many things. This version I also added some red pepper and kale from the garden.

What is happening in your kitchen this week?


  1. i wish i liked more pickles so i could pickle things!
    those tomatoes sounds excellent though. sounds perfect whizzed up and over pasta.

  2. i'm hoping to get some canning done this year for the first time! i agree with monica, the tomatoes in oil sounds fab!!!

    also want to try pickled watermelon rinds in homage to my grandma!
