Thursday, July 21, 2011

csa box:: week 5

We have had some record heat and a lack of rain this month, so it was no surprise to hear from our CSA farmer on pick up day about how things were not doing so well this week. It was too hot to seed lettuces, radishes and other plants were bolting, and everything is dry dry dry. So this week she put in storage popcorn from last year to fill it out a bit. Hopefully the heat will at least boost the heat lovers like tomatoes, melons and cucumbers. Now, if it will just rain a bit more often!

::in the box:: kale, cucumbers, summer savory, new garlic, summer squash, carrots, popcorn, beans

I picked up a few extras:: carrots, beets, onions, dill heads, chives.

What is in your box this week? What is in season in your area?

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