Monday, July 4, 2011

kale chips.

Kale always seems to be one of those under-appreciated greens. In my house I am the only one who likes it. In fact my boys just don't like leafy greens and the only way they enjoy eating them is juiced into their morning smoothies with frozen fruit. But, kale chips is one of those things that everyone likes. Even picky kids (or husbands). They are crispy, salty, and have lots of good flavor. They are also really easy to make - so when you have a bunch of kale that you don't know what to do with...make chips!

::kale chips::

1 bunch of kale

::base flavor::
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
fresh ground pepper to taste

::spice mixes to add to the base::
1 tsp fresh finely minced dill
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder

2 shakes of toasted sesame oil
1 tsp ground cumin

1/2 tsp Spanish paprika
pinch cayenne
pinch yellow curry powder

-Wash and dry the kale.

-Cut out the thick center stalks (clean scissors are the easiest way).
-Tear/cut into 3" pieces.

-Add your oils/spices to a bowl and stir a tad. Then toss the kale into the bowl, tossing and stirring until it is all coated.
-Let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

-Toss again and arrange in a single layer in your dehydrator.
-Let dehydrate until crispy.
-Store in airtight container. They won't last long.

If you don't have a dehydrator you can arrange on a cookie sheet and use the oven on the lowest setting until crispy. I like the dehydrator because I don't have to crank the oven on a hot summer day and the low temps keep it nice and green. But either way works!

::good stuff ::

Kale is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese; a very good source of copper, tryptophan, calcium, vitamin B6, and potassium; and a good source of iron, magnesium, vitamin E, vitamin B2, protein, vitamin B1, folate, phosphorous, omega-3's (alpha-linolenic acid/ALA) and vitamin B3.


  1. I have been hearing how good kale chips are for years, but have yet to try them even though I often have an abundance of kale. Not sure why, but thanks for the reminder. It's on my list in my head, right next to sauerkraut, of things to try to make this week :)

  2. These look so yummy! I can't wait to try them.

  3. Hello! I know I'm way late getting to this post, but you gotta love Pinterest for bringing up the past :) I'm planning a camping menu, and wondering if you think these would make it a few days in an air tight container or bag? Thanks so much!

  4. Out-Island Exlplorers - I hate to sound wishy washy, but it depends. If they are dried until they are very very crispy and it isn't very humid and they are stored air-tight they could last 2 days. I've done it before. But I will also say that I have found that if they are not extremely crispy that they may last in storage only a day/24 hours or so.

  5. Awesome, this is very helpful thank you very much!
