Tuesday, June 14, 2011

homemade:: coconut milk

We have been making our own almond milk for a while, and I decided to start making coconut milk recently as well. I like the flavor it adds to coffee and chai, and making my own has been really easy. You can of course grind up a whole coconut but that is a lot of work! I used dried coconut, as that is what is easy to find, stores more long term, and I always have it in the pantry!

::coconut milk::

1 1/2 cups organic shredded unsweetened coconut
1 tsp vanilla extract, or 1/2 of a vanilla bean scraped
4 cups filtered water
1 Tbsp raw honey
  1. Add the coconut to the water and soak for 1-3 hours.
  2. After a few hours add the vanilla and honey to the liquid, stir, and then place half of the mixture into a good quality blender.
  3. Mix on high for a few minutes. I found that I had the best results mixing for a minute, letting it sit to settle for a minute, mix for a minute, repeat until it is creamy/frothy and mixed well.
  4. Strain the liquid through a fine strainer (use a rubber spatula to push through gently).
  5. Repeat with the second half of the liquid.
  6. Store in the fridge and use as needed. You might need to shake before using.

I baked with the solids left in the strainer-- I made coconut pound cake. That recipe is for another day.

Coconut - Most regular dried coconut on the market is treated with sulfites to keep it white. So, be sure to get unsweetened organic coconut. I usually use Lets Do...Organic because they don't use any enhancers/extenders/preservatives or sulfites and it is available at my local co-op. "Shredded dehydrated coconut maintains all of the fiber and the macro-nutrients present in its fresh form; this includes a the highly-prized medium-chain fatty acids, only found in such concentrations in the coconut."



  1. YES!! Girl you are my hero! Sweet!!!

  2. Wow. I had no idea that you could make coconut milk this way. I am definitely going to try it. And please do post the pound cake recipe some day!!!
