Thursday, June 23, 2011

csa box:: week 1

As some of you know, during the CSA season I photograph our box/share each week and post what we have. This will be the fifth season (can you believe it)? Today was our first CSA box of 2011. We started a little late due to the abnormally cold spring, so I am very excited it is finally here. Here is what we have this week.

::week 01::

in the box:: two types of lettuce, garlic scapes, snap peas, oregano, summer savory, lovage, spring onions, asparagus, kohlrabi, strawberries, swiss chard.


We pick up on farm from our CSA, and she has additional produce available each week for those who want to purchase extra. I usually get more of things that I don't have in my own garden, that I want larger quantities to can/preserve, or that we just like a lot.

extras:: aparagus, strawberries, fennel, garlic scapes, lavender

Want to compare week 01, 2011 with previous years?
Click the year to link:: | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |

This year I would love to link back each week to others who photograph/post their CSA farm share boxes. If you have a link, please leave it in a comment! And be sure to tell me what general area you live in, so we can see the differences in seasonality between regions.

Do you have a CSA this year? What was in your box this week?


  1. I will totally link back here tomorrow...once my post is done. :) Looks like a great first box you've got. :)

  2. I never do CSA, BUT I'm making garlic scape pesto this weekend.

    Enjoy your goodies!

  3. I'm jealous. It's funny that out here in the country it's actually alot harder to get good organic produce, except to grow it. From our CSA, we got 2 kinds of lettuce, kale, chard, 1 kohlrabi, and some scapes. Other than the kohlrabi, I have plenty of everything else in my garden. Oh well, the farm family is really nice.

  4. Debbie - Please do! :) I'm thinking of doing a CSA post/week with links to others. And then maybe a summer farmer's market linky, and a food from the garden... :)

    Jodi - I am going back and forth. Either garlic scape pesto, or a small batch of pickled scapes. Hmmm.

    Nikole - I'm surprised there are not more farmstands around you. But I can imagine that although there are a lot of CSA's it might be a bit of a drive when more rural.

    As the season gets going it is nice because there are things I don't have, but yes, this week we have a LOT of greens from the garden too. We have a happy rabbit ;)

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