Monday, July 19, 2010

CSA Box.

Oh, I'm behind on my CSA posts! As many of you may know, my back (the one with two herniated discs) went 'out' again and I've been nursing it back to bearable for the past few weeks. I like to eat quick and fresh in the summer to take advantage of just picked produce, but with the back things were even more simplified. We have been having salads and stir-fry - whatever I can make quickly and easily. Of course how much fresher can you get with boxes of organic veggies from our CSA farm or something yummy picked from the garden.

This past weekend I was able to spend some time catching up on small batch fermenting - I have jars of garlic and beets lacto-fermenting on my counter - and made another batch of currant jelly and several quarts of my back healing bone broth. I even have several recipes I tested that turned out great. With several pounds of pickling cucumbers in my fridge, I know what I am doing today as well!

While I do have several recipes to share this week, I want to catch up on my CSA boxes for the past 2 weeks.

CSA Box:: July 8

Beets, broccoli, beans, romaine, head lettuce, spring onions, parsley, peas, garlic, peppers, summer squash, and a pint of raspberries!

CSA box:: July 15

Swiss chard, cucumbers, broccoli, onions, garlic, beets, chives, basil, head lettuce, summer squash, yellow beans.

And, feeling like I could handle more time in the kitchen this week, my extras included dill heads, pickling cucumbers, onions, cabbage, beets and mushrooms.

If you have a CSA, what is in season where you are??


  1. Such goodness! I'm excited to get my box tomorrow. We've been getting lettuce, carrots, beets, squash, zucchini, raspberries, grapefruit, oranges, cucumbers, arugala and tomatoes.

    I didn't know you had this blog so I'm happy to have found it. Looking forward to reading more!

  2. This week we got fingerling potatoes, beans, greens, lots of zucchinis and those little turban squash thingies, dill, onions, multi-coloured carrots, and parsley. With the zukes in my garden, we've been eating them a LOT...stirfried, breaded, them. Love your's like opening a gift each week, isn't it?
