Friday, July 30, 2010

CSA Box: week 7

It is sweet corn time in Wisconsin. Huge signs at every road side farm stand, poster board signs at the end of farm driveways, piles of it. It comes for only a few weeks, so we try to stock up enough to freeze for the winter. We love getting it in our CSA box too - so fresh and sweet you can practically eat it raw.

In the box this week: sweet corn, turnips, beets, peppers, cucumbers, summer squash, head lettuce, onions, garlic, cherry tomatoes, slicing tomato, nasturtium blossoms.

Extras this week: mushrooms, garlic, onions, sage, parsley, thyme.

1 comment:

  1. Your CSA box is amazing! That's great that you incorporate such great local and healthy eating for your children.
