Sunday, August 9, 2009

CSA Box August 6.

In our box this week: mixed peppers, cucumbers, mixed herbs, beets, swiss chard, summer squash, eggplant, 2 types of lettuce, and fresh garlic!

For extras this week I picked up our usual mushrooms, as well as a few more bags of basil for pesto making, and parsley for the dehydrator!

This time of year the garden is in full swing, we are preserving every single day - canning, drying, freezing - I am in awe of how much we have coming in from such a tiny yard. It is pretty constant work, but not hard work. And it is very satisfying. We of course know we want to preserve enough to last through the whole winter - our goal is no store bought produce through June 2010 (but for citrus:: oranges, lemons, etc. which we cannot find local) and we are doing great. As we have gone on, we realized that while we are preserving the harvest to last throughout the winter, we can also preserve so much in the way of herbs too. We have over 25 canning jars of dried vegetables, fruit and herbs so far - with many more to go! We plan to make soup and stew mixes, granola mixes, and mixed herbs for cheeses and breads. SO GOOD!


  1. Hi there. I came across your blog while searching for an applesauce recipe. It's nice to see other people doing and thinking like I am. After the crappy year I had (breast cancer at 35), I want to only eat real food and make baked goods from scratch for me and my family. My 5 year old is on board too, loving being the taster. I started a blog about the effects of on environment on our health and simplifying life in general if you're interested: I also found this other blog that reminds me of yours. I'm sure you'll enjoy it (you might know of it already): Cheers and please keep writing.

  2. I forgot to say, canning scares me. I worry I won't sterilize well enough and end up with mold, so I tend to freeze. I froze lots of fruit this summer (Ottawa summers are so short) like local strawberries, raspberries, peaches and blueberries. No garden this year, but it's my project for next summer. Maybe I'll leap in and have a canning party next August. Who knows?
