Thursday, July 9, 2009

CSA Box This Week

Today was CSA day! In our box this week: beets, peas, beans, daikon radishes, broccoli, onions. basil, pepper, kale, 2 types of lettuce.

We also picked up a few extras. Summer squash, mushrooms and more kohlrabi.

This time of year means a lot of greens, and so that also means I've been busy blanching and freezing. More on that soon!

1 comment:

  1. I was going to blanch and freeze peas for my husband, especially since he was so excited to watch them grow, because he is out of town. Then I got irritated that he was supposed to be home on the 6th and he'll be lucky to be here by the end of the month at this point.

    So, I ate them all and figured, "too bad, so sad." :D

    He missed this last batch of radishes too, and he's the only one that eats them. Maybe I will try pickling some this weekend ... and, maybe I won't.
