Friday, October 24, 2008

CSA Box This Week

It is almost the end of our CSA season. Only one more week left - growing season does seem to fly in Wisconsin!

In our box this week: hakuri turnips, carrots, onions, potatoes, leek, parsley, romanesco, lettuce, and a head of garlic.

In our box this week last year.


  1. Are those parsnips on the right?

    Like many vegetables, as a child I hated them, but it boils down to (literally) the way that my mom prepared them. Now that I'm an adult, I love most veggies. I picked up some more parsnips today to roast with potatoes and onions.


    Enjoy your CSA box!!

  2. Can you add the RSS feed button so I can add you to my reader. Im sure Im not the only one who would use this.

  3. Blue - Thanks for noticing that! I added that to the right column.
