Thursday, October 16, 2008

CSA Box This Week

I sprained my ankle yesterday, so after a few trips hauling a sleepy 3 year old and our CSA cooler up the steps into the house I was a big shaky - I took 5 or so photos of the produce today, and all were slightly blurry. So, sorry about the blur - here is our box this week!

CSA Box: Lettuce salad mix, swiss chard, broccoli, hakuri turnips, carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, thai basil. We also had arugula and mizuna greens, but I traded those for additional potatoes...we have so many greens this week already!

In our box this week last year.


  1. I was wondering if you do a food budget monthly. I see that you purchase a lot in the harvest months and I was wondering if you move your budget around to suit the seasons.

    Mrs. S

  2. Mrs. S- Yes, I do have a few budgets we try to follow. I say a 'few' because we break up general groceries from our farm purchases and CSA fees. I have a base budget for grocery store shopping. And then each month during growing season our CSA cost is fixed (and we get a rebate from our health insurance! bonus!). Our farm purchases do vary month to month - we try to buy not only seasonally, but also in quantity whenever we can. We also try to buy just about all of our meat, vegetables, honey, eggs, milk, and fruit directly from local farmers (and not from stores). That means that we follow their schedule and indeed shuffle around our budgets a bit to fit the season - and some months when we are good we buy even more, and some months when we are tight we don't! But planning ahead helps, as well as knowing what will come in season when!

    That is a good question - I think I may post on that! :)
