Sunday, January 20, 2008

sandwich rolls.

I have fresh sprouts, I made fresh egg salad from our extra eggs this week, and so I had to make sandwich rolls! I made six rolls out of the dough--for smaller buns make 8. I used the bread machine for the knead and first rise cycle. You can knead and rise by hand-the first cycle would be about 45 minutes to rise before cutting into individual rolls.

Dough makes 6-8 sandwich rolls

1/2 c milk
1/2 c water
1 large egg plus 1 yolk
3 Tbsp melted unsalted butter
1 Tbsp melted coconut oil (or use add'l butter)
2 tsp raw sugar (or can subst. honey, agave, etc.)
1/4 c ground flax seed
3 c whole wheat flour
3 tsp gluten
1 tsp fine ground sea salt
2 tsp yeast

egg wash & toasted sesame seeds

Place the ingredients in the bread machine according to your machine instructions. Program for the dough cycle and press start. Run only through the knead and 1 rise on the machine.

Parchment-line a baking sheet (or lightly grease). After the 1st rising cycle ends immediately remove the dough and place on a lightly floured work surface. Cut the dough into 6 or 8 equal parts. Gently form the rolls into rounds/balls. Place the rolls on the baking sheet at least 1 inch apart. For sesame seeds -- mix an egg wash, brush on dough rolls, and sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Cover lightly with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm spot for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 375ยบ F.
Place the baking sheet on a rack in the center of the oven and bake until lightly browned, for 18-22 minutes. Remove from oven and cool before slicing.

You can make these rolls using soaked whole grain flour. Here is how.


  1. Oh my heavens, Denise, that looks delicious! Melt in your mouth good! And I just checked the pantry: We're a GO!!! I've had a hard-core out of commission guy, so I've been one handed a lot; I've been reading about your sick family though...hope you all are on the mend!

  2. looking again, it looks really light, but you're not using any white flour. Is it dense?

  3. The rolls were not hard or too dense. They did have a little bit of chew to them, but it was good because they didn't fall apart or get too crumbly as a sandwich with filler in it. They did rise twice...and got nice and big, so that probably helped! I had the bread machine do the kneading which I think helps a bit too, since my carpal tunnel hands cannot knead well enough! :)

  4. thanks for sharing! DH was hovering over my shoulder, and he said that the rise would help things. He's ready to see what other magic you do with bread! he's been making this killer bulgar bread, but remembering to soak the bulgar is the problem! once it's made, it doesn't make it 12 hours in this house!

  5. Yum - these look so good, as do the pineapple-coconut bars, egg salad... I found you through Cheerio Road and am going to add you to my list of blogs. I'm so interested in how to slowly, little by little, change how I eat, my family eats, what our pantry looks like, etc. But I find it overwhelming, largely due to either too much information or a lack of it. Your lovely blog looks like a great starting place.
