Sunday, November 18, 2007

from amaranth O's to coconut granola...

We like to make fresh yummy snack-age for not only the kids, but also for a certain dad to take to work. Rather than run all over to buy a big list of ingredients which ends up making for expensive "granola", we like to use what we have. I always have some cereal in house that I bought that sounds healthier or has less sugar which of course no one wants to eat. That is a great thing to use in granola, as you sweeten and make it into something everyone likes. SO I had a box of amaranth peach O's (oh yes, you wonder WHY the kids wouldn't eat it, I know...). From that plus some organic oats, coconut and some extra added goodies, we made an amazing snack. Kids can pretty much mix this up on their own, but the little ones need help measuring.

1 box O cereal. I used Amaranth Peach O's.
2 cups organic quick oats (or you can roll your own...mmmm.)
1 cup UNSWEETENED organic dried coconut (don't use the sweet sticky stuff)
1/2 cup slivered almonds
3 Tbsp organic butter, melted
1 Tbsp black strap molasses
4 Tbsp organic unsweetened coconut milk (or 1 Tbsp virgin coconut oil)
1 Tbsp maple syrup
1 Tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp bee pollen (sounds odd, but it adds crunchy sweetness and is good for you!)

Mix the oats, cereal and nuts in a big bowl. In a separate bowl melt the butter, then stir in the molasses, coconut milk, & maple syrup. Drizzle over the dried mix in the big bowl. Mix well QUICKLY (spoon or hands). Sprinkle cinnamon over while tossing. Spread mix on a big baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes at 350ºF. Stir it all up and return to oven another 30-40 minutes. Remove from oven. Sprinkle bee pollen over the top of it all. Let cool. Eat!

Don't be tied to a recipe either...add different ingredients like dried fruit, cereals, nuts, flax, coconut oil-whatever you have. The coconut milk and dried coconut work with many flavors, add a nice richness to tie it all in together, and just smells and tastes amazing (and coconut is not only good, but good for you).

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