Thursday, September 6, 2007

CSA Box This Week

It is getting dark so early now! We went to pick up our CSA, and in the rainy (yep) cloudy afternoon it was even more pronounced, and very dark by the time we got home.

We read in our newsletter that our CSA farm had more rain damage than originally thought. Not being underwater needing a boat to get around is not the only way crops go down, I guess, and long term heavy saturation and repeated storms just wreaked havoc on many things...

We keep hearing more and more stories of the same. The farmer we get our meat from also lost all of their onions/potatoes/garlic in standing water. Like most farmers, they also supplement their main market products with whatever else they can grow...Sad news.

This week in our CSA box:
Eggplant, Mixed Tomatoes, Onions, Celeriac, Brusselini (well, we swapped ours out for an extra celeriac), Basil, Potato Medley, and Garlic. We skipped on the Melons this time.

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