Sunday, June 17, 2007

Strawberries #2: Home Made Strawberry Ice Cream

Our second recipe for this week is for the homemade strawberry ice cream we made with our fresh sweet strawberries. Use the freshest, organic milk you can find, which makes it super creamy and rich. We started with a Vanilla Ice Cream base, and then divided it and kept 1/2 vanilla for the boys, and then made 1/2 strawberry for us.

Vanilla Ice Cream Base:
1 c whole milk, chilled
3/4 c sugar (I have heard you can use honey, sweeten to taste)
2 c heavy cream
2 tsp vanilla extract
(fresh strawberries, pureed or chopped finely - we used about 1 cup...)

We use a cuisinart electric ice cream maker since it does it quickly and prevents ice crystals from forming. You could use the rolling ball maker too.

Whisk the ingredients together until sugar is dissolved. Pour into ice cream maker and let it mix until thickened, about 25-30 minutes. Fold in your strawberries, and let it go another 5 minutes or so (to get strawberries up to temp). Put your container/bowl in the freezer to harden a bit. EAT!!!

Kids can help with most of the steps - it is really easy. G helped measure, mix and pour. Both boys cut strawberries (cutting boards and butter knives). I just smushed the berries a little more with a fork to get smaller bits after they were done.

We still have some strawberries from our CSA box left - and I am making fresh Strawberry Jam as I type~!

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