Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Organic foods, going green.

I know how lucky we are to live in an area of such agricultural richness with access to great organic fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, milk and more (check out our fabulous Farmer's Market). Of course I live up north, so in the winter we still rely on either what we have preserved from our summer bounty, or buy from the grocer or co-op. We work hard to buy and eat in season, and buy local whenever we can, but sometimes that isn't always an option. I know I hear many moms say that sometimes they just cannot find or afford ALL organics or don't have access to anything local. So what to do then? The Environmental Working Group publishes a shopping guide list of fruits & veggies...those with the most pesticides and those with the least, so you can know which ones are most important to select as organic, and which conventionally grown ones are ok when organic is not available.

Along those lines, Sign On San Diego had an article today titled "Simply Green. Little changes in the kitchen can make a dramatic difference in the environment.". Click here to read it!

Tomorrow is CSA day - STRAWBERRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am excited.

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